A registered migration agent is a person who is professionally trained to assist clients in their migration endeavours. A registered migration agent does NOT work for the department of immigration.
Registered migration agents are bound by the Code of Conduct.
The regulatory body that regulates registered migration agents in Australia is the MARA (Migration Agents Registration Authority – see www.mara.gov.au)
A2Z Consult Pty Ltd is registered under Migration Agent Registration Number 1575106. Check out our registration details here: Click here for more details.
Registered Migration Agents are bound by the MARA code of conduct
That means they have to work for their clients’ best interests, and have checks and balances in place to make sure they act ethically and professionally.
Migration Agents who violate the code of conduct or act in a way that is not in the best interests of their clients are disciplined by the MARA. Disciplinary actions can be up to and including cancellation of registration and/or referring their cases to the authorities for further proceedings.
The Migration Agents Registration Authority is a discrete office within the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
The MARA regulates the migration advice industry in Australia and places strict criteria and requirements for both new registrations of agents as well as renewals. Agents have to renew their registrations yearly subject to several requirements.
NO! A registered migration agent is an individual that usually works for a private business and is not affiliated with the department in any way. Actually, it is illegal to imply any such relationship.
We are located in Casula, a Sydney suburb.
Definitely. With the advances in technology, there is no real need for being in the same country with the client. In most cases, documents are provided as a colour scan of original. We carry out our meetings with our clients by phone and Skype.
Most of our existing clients do not live in Australia and we find no difficulty whatsoever in processing their applications.
Our services pricing is pretty reasonable and is around the market average for registered agents. Our fees vary from visa type to the other, and are usually paid on multiple payments linked to the application stages.
We endeavour to process every clients’ application as fast as possible. There are service standards published by the department of immigration on their website for each visa, but they are only indicative. The final decision is usually the department’s decision.
We aim to avoid any unnecessary delays by making sure we submit complete and accurate applications with all the required documents after carefully reviewing them.
We accept bank transfers, credit card payments (both online and manual), and PayPal.
A registered migration agent as explained is bound by the code of conduct of the MARA. An agent operating in Australia is also bound by the Australian civil and criminal laws. Any misconduct by an agent is usually disciplined by the MARA, and can be in some cases referred to authorities such as the Australian Federal Police.
Certainly not. We are registered and are authorised to operate as a migration agent. Check out our registration details here
For the time being, A2Z Consult Pty Ltd is only providing migration and visa/citizenship services. We may expand in the future into other services such as recruitment. As of now, there is no specific plan or time to provide recruitment services.